Month: November 2017

ERP software can deliver significant benefits for the manufacturing industry: lower setup costs, reduced cycle times, increased on-time delivery, improved productivity, better customer service, accurate inventory tracking and reduction in administrative overhead. As with any software, not all ERP solutions will perform equally on all levels. It is important to give careful consideration to both…

Afraid of buying software that you don’t need or won’t actually use? Because ERP software is made up of a selection of integrated but individual applications, this is not an issue. A company can select the combination of applications that they feel will meet the needs of their organization. Additional applications can be added in…

If you see companies in your industry outpacing their peers, the secret is likely to be the implementation of an ERP software system that has simplified their processes and enabled them to meet their lean manufacturing goals and standards. They’re getting orders out faster and improving their bottom line. It doesn’t matter what manufacturing model…

The question “why use enterprise resource planning (ERP)?” comes up often. The number one reason manufacturers purchase and implement ERP software: return on investment. It more than pays for itself, and in many cases, the annual ROI is 400-500% of the purchase cost. These are real returns manufacturers see year after year. ERP: More Profitable…