Month: February 2015

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software benefits companies in a variety of ways. Any organization can use one of these valuable platforms to reach a level of operational efficiency that can be difficult to achieve without it. However, for manufacturing companies, an ERP platform is a vital business component. There are many ways that an ERP…

Developing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) strategy can be a confusing process. With so many ways to go about choosing and installing the system, it can be difficult to ascertain which one is most beneficial to the business. In addition to vendor selection and end-user training, figuring out the most advantageous approach to implementation is one…

The process of choosing an appropriate enterprise resource planning (ERP) software platform can be both time consuming and confusing. With so many platforms available on the market, it can be difficult for decision-makers to choose the best system to meet the needs of the organization. Making the wrong choice can be costly. There are systems…

After an enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform has been installed, decision-makers will enjoy uncovering areas of the business where they excel and develop solutions to strengthen any operational weaknesses that the system finds. The use of ERP software has benefited companies in a wide range of industries. However, during the implementation process, while working with an ERP…