Month: February 2020

Located in Bedford, Massachusetts, Davico Mfg. is one of the leading producers of diverse exhaust products, including universal converters, pre-bent flex pipes, gaskets, oxygen sensors and flex couplings. Prior to purchasing Global Shop Solutions ERP software, Davico Mfg. used a first-generation production software program to run the business. While functional, it had no labor tracking…

If you laser cut materials, you probably know that nesting software provides an efficient tool for manufacturers to tighten inventory control and reduce waste. For those who aren’t aware, nesting software automatically arranges part shapes on sheets of stock material to produce the least amount of waste. It saves time by eliminating the need to…

Nobody likes the tedious process of manually comparing large, complex bill of materials (BOMs) from two different software programs. It’s time-consuming, costly, and leaves a lot of room for error. Yet, the comparison must be done to ensure the product is built correctly. Fortunately, there’s a better way. It’s called the BOM Compare. If you…