Month: January 2015

Enterprise resource planning software provides the company using it with a wealth of information that can be used to drive the organization to a higher level of profitability. This goal is usually accomplished by allowing decision-makers to hone in on specific areas of the business where inefficiencies exist and implement an improvement plan to optimize…

Enterprise resource planning software has helped a wide array of organizations improve both their productivity and profitability. These software solutions allow decision-makers to peel back the curtain on operational processes and uncover ways to make improvements within an organization from the top down. However, like most technology, ERP platforms are evolving. Now, vendors are creating…

There are a number of manufacturing organizations that can benefit from having an enterprise resource planning solution integrated into their operations. These solutions allow companies to be much more efficient in their efforts, while subsequently lowering costs and making improvements when it comes to the quality of finished products. This, of course leads to better…

Many manufacturing companies likely understand the benefits of implementing an enterprise resource planning solution into their operations. More efficient shop floor processes, supply chain improvements and a higher level of customer satisfaction are just a few reasons why an organization would consider installing an ERP system. Of course, before moving forward with such a massive project that…

Corsair Electrical Connectors is an ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System and AS9100: 2009 certified, privately held, contract manufacturing company that produces Mil-Aero connectors for value-added distributors, OEMs, and the U.S. government. Headquartered in Irvine, California, the majority of the firm’s connectors serve as junctions for the miles of electrical cables and wiring used throughout…

Having an enterprise resource planning system offers companies a wide range of benefits that are too numerous to list. Many manufacturing businesses install these systems because they have become somewhat trendy within the industry. Other organizations are truly looking to simplify their operations to become more profitable through increased efficiency. However, there are a number…